Wednesday, September 30, 2009


had more PT today, still a little sore.

Worked on my form on chest and back, and tomorrow morning I plan on doing that with legs.. changing a few form stances up to see which doesn't bother me..

chest is COMPLETELY torn up, still sore as hell, can barely touch it LOL and my back is feeling it as well.. which means come tomorrow for legs I won't be looking forward to friday ;) haha

Tried to work things out with my ex today but it seems like things aren't completely working right now.. hopefully soon..

Still working on finishing touches for my off season, can't wait to get big.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Had another PT session and did some back today which didn't feel to bad...

still feels bad mostly because I don't have a set plan.. so most of my sets are either to heavy or to light so I don't have that "drive" so to speak to train because my goals aren't 100% do-able at the moment.. PT seems to not be going so bad at the moment.. maybe things are looking up for me? hopefully..

started to somewhat work things out with my ex.. kind of hoping we do work things out.. despite the differences we've had and this fight, really feel like we need to be adults and work things out.. wouldn't mind spending my life with her..

thats all for today!

reverse pulldowns
Hammer high rows
bb rows
1 arm cable low rows


Have strayed away from here it seems the past few days.. again.. will start getting back to posting updates daily soon..

Situation is still not as good as I'd want it to be..

shoulder and knee still hurt... but last night at the gym I pretty much pretended that I didn't have any injuries and still lifted as if I was fine, which was OK till I got to more compound movements.. side note.. I almost perfected my form on cross overs LOL

Here is how it went down:

Cable X
Hammer Incline
DB Incline
Machine Press
Machine Laterals
Rope Face Pulls
Cable Laterals

pretty much was it, did 5 min LI and some stretches before

hopeing this is all over soon

over all goal:

IFBB Pro competing in the 202 classes

the words "can't" are not going to be in my vocabulary with ANYTHING any more, this is for real this time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


still feeling crappy.. dealing with stupid stuff from the other day.. still can't get over the fact of what she did and that it happened.. it really is not real to me, hopefully soon I will wake up from this bad dream..

Training wise things are going pretty crappy again, still doing physical therapy, but thought I would go somewhat heavier last night and ended up tweaking my shoulder.. when is my break?

eh anyway.. my goal is to be a top NPC competitor.. and an IFBB pro, realistically I would love to compete in the 202 class.. I can see myself sitting there nicely.. once these injuries are healed, my life is going towards that..

despite how I feel, my drive to get to that goal is not going to be stopped.. hopefully soon I am healed up both physically and emotionally..

Monday, September 21, 2009

make up[

havent made a post in a while, been busy..

got my heart broken a few days ago and still dealing with it..

injury wise, on and off. been using tigerbalm and stretching,s eems to help a bit..

today I lifted with my friend Eric and did a modified DC training..

still partial to volume training!

Friday, September 18, 2009

gunz showz

Friday - 9/18/09

Weight: 170.4

Arm .. pump work

-BB curls 3x5
-DB Curls 3x8
-Hammer Curls 2x6
-Preachers 1x25
-V-Bar PressDown 3x12
-Rope Press Down 2x25
-Machine Dips 3x20

-Some light stuff to attempt to help my shoulder lol

-for some reason DB curls were always weak to me, and today I started using J-Rods form and I was able to do 50s for 8 good reps w/ slow negatives.. not that I should of went that heavy LOL but it's good to know once I am back, strength will be there in certain movements still..

-BTW I will be changing gyms soon, I look to be joining Apollon gym, if you guys haven't heard of it, it's a hardcore gym around here that has had guys ranging from Mark Alvisi, PJ Braun, and Evan Centopani, all the way to Dorian Yates stop by and train there. A lot of NPC guys and few IFBB guys train there.. it's a little farther away, ~30 min.. but I feel it will be worth it

-Really getting fed up with my gym, the guys who are about 160lbs, and look like they never touched a weight and have been "cycling" for 2+ years trying to give me lifting advice.. and get this.. I had a few trainers and guys come up to me today and say "the reason I am injured is because I go way to heavy, if I want to buuild muscle I have to go lighter and do high reps"

- I also in the up coming months once I am healed up, plan on hitting Bev Francis PowerHouse with a few friends up in NY "mecca" of the east coast..

-All of this means.. I CAN'T wait to be healed, so many good things are happening

Still figuring out

what is wrong with me lol ... my shoulder still hurts, getting annoyed at the drs..

did some legs last night, and still figuring out some tweaks to perfect my squat form

knee was some what of an issue, but wasn't to bad..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still annoyed

Wednesday - 9/16/09

Weight: ---


-Went to the Ortho tonight and he did a physical analysis test on my shoulders, which was actually kinda painful

-The pain has completely almost dissipated from the front of my shoulders is all now on the back of my shoulder/down my triceps, but he still feels it is bicep tendinitis/shoulder impingement syndrome.

-My shoulder kept popping and now has a dull ache in it. It is weird, because lately, focusing on scapular retraction and keeping chest up, there is little pain when I do movements, it's just feels like I have been sleeping on my shoulder for 1000+ days lol

-I am guessing since he didn't give me a script for an MRI he didn't feel I needed one.. there is still a gut feeling inside of me that it could be something more serious, like a RC or Labrum tear.. or I am just being over paranoid, I just want to get this figured out as quickly as possible and get back to training 100%. I just know that my shoulder keeps catching and popping.. I have also been to 3 Drs, and doing physical therapy, so I have had about 5 different opinions but it still hurts..


Off of work and off from the gym..

really looking forward to seeing what Palumbo does once I start working with him, not sure if it's due to the fact I am not training as hard due to the injuries.. but I feel kinda bleh, gaining a lot of excess weight as well..

Can't wait to get back into the swing of things, and really work towards my ultimate goal of becoming an IFBB pro.. who knows where this sport will take me, as long as I try my hardest and leave no doubts in my minds, and leave it all in the gym, no matter what happens I will be happy.

I love traveling to the shows and meeting new people and seeing the people I look up to in the magazines and videos, this whole sport has really enhanced my life and I am thankful for that, I know that once I get back into it, and really start getting my body to where I want.. I will be that much happier.

Today I also have the Ortho appt and going to see what he thinks as well as seeing where we go from here.. fingers are crossed!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Throw in some deads while your at it ;)

Tuesday - 9/15/09

Weight: --

Back PUMP WORK .. was in there for about 30 min


Neutral Grip Pull Down
3 sets up to 140 for 10

Wide Pull Down
3 sets up to 120 for 10

Hammer Strength Iso-Row
3 sets up to 3 plates each side for 4

DB Shrug
3 sets with 90s for 10

5 min LISS to get blood in knees

-Felt like crap today, have a huge headache for some reason..

-Really can't wait to get this injury crap over with and start training full force again, and re-work my diet/training..

-Could go on for a while about that! lol

-Tomorrow is the ortho, hoping for good news!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Chest/Shoulders - Deload/quick pump work

Hammer Strength Incline
3 sets up to a drop set starting at 230

Incline DB Flys/Press Superset

Hammer Strength Decline
2 sets of 12

High Cable X

DB Laterals

Machine Laterals
2 sets of 20

DB Press

Rear Cable Laterals

10 min LISS

-Focusing on form, been watching a lot of vids from RX muscle training vids, focusing on shoulder blade contractions on chest, and keeping rib cage up, even with the light weights my pump was crazy.. can't wait to work this on back, even though I feel my back grows pretty quickly anyway..

-A lot of ache/deep pain in my shoulder.. also keeps cracking

-Seeing the sports ortho on Wednesday to see the new plan of attack.

-Got a lifting partner for once I start training 100% again, so that is motivation to get back as quickly as possible..

-Like I said before the day I am given the go to get back to my training 100% again, I am starting my off-season towards my first show, either going to be going back with Layne ( which I am considering the most ), or most of the shows I go to thinking about talking to Palumbo and working with him.. going to these shows and meeting the pros and up and coming NPC athletes really makes me realize how badly I can't wait to start doing this

Thinking ahead

Well 2 things really.. first things first..

My shoulder still hurts more, starting to get nervous as to what I actually did to it..

I am seeing my Sports Ortho on wendesday to make our plan of attack on it... also my knee

my knee has gotten a little worse as well so I plan to back off on the leg training a bit, well not dropping it, just using lighter weights and just do slow reps

The 2nd thing, once I am OK to get back to heavy training, I plan to really get serious and work towards my prep for my first show, possibly either going back to Layne Norton, or to Dave Palumbo. One or the other..

Over all goal is to get sponsored eventually by either Scivation or Species :P

Tonight is chest/shoulders.. deloading of coarse.. blah

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Been busy

didn't get much chance to post the last few days..

friday I hit some light shoulders/arms, and saturday was fun as hell.

Went to the Atlantic City Pro/Am show and met a bunch of cool people, as well as some pros.

On a side note I am no longer working with Layne Norton. I choose to do everything myself untill I am able to fully train 100%, then we will see what happens then.

I really can't wait to get back 100%, and fully get competing again, amazing group of people that you meet at shows.

Today is another off day and I am starting my 4 day split this week, just a basic split, also going to be lowering my carbs and upping protein a bit and adding some cardio to my workout days. I am not able to train fully 100% so I might as well use this time to trim up a bit.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Leg Day

Still working myself back into the swing of things, most likely went heavier than I would of liked, really have to start to pace myself.

Really frustrated and can't wait for my shoulder and knee are finnaly back 100% so I can go back to training/diet/cardio 100%, unhappy with the fact I am putting on some fat :p

Bar x 20
Bar x 20

SUMO Deadlifts

Lying Leg Curls

Knee is still a little tender and sore, wish I could do more but doing more seems to aggrivate it, feel like this bullshit is never ending..

Long ass day..

Work from 12-9:30.. going to suck, but dealing with it because I need the money

On a positive note.. tonight is legs


Starting out

Just thought I would start posting a blog here.. I keep a log on well as follow through a couple of other sites, but thought I could use a keep place to keep my current thoughts.

Right now I am training under amazing powerlifting/pro natty bodybuilder Layne Norton, loving every minute of it, and have made the best progress ever of my life.

Until a stupid injury led me to a few new injuries, first it was my knee.. which got an MRI showed no significant injury, just minor joint inflammation, which I am currently fixing due to some inflexibility. My shoulders are currently hurt as well, no MRI or X-ray has been done on them yet, but I plan to get that done soon. Which started out as a minor impingement pain has turned into a possible AC joint dislocation in my left shoulder.

My knee is feeling a bit better, but still have a little tendinitis pain, starting to slowly ease my way back into leg training, also deadlifts to give myself some type of competitive edge while I am dealing with the injuries.

I have a lot of hopes to one day become a top National Level bodybuilder, and hopefully, one day, becoming an IFBB professional. My training and diet were on point, being consistant and totally dominating and leaving everything in the gym after every training session that I went for.

Seeing myself get injured and deadling with these pains is very stressful, especially since I wanted to do this as a lifestyle, and base my schooling around the education of this "sport". All my time that is not spend at work or at school is spent either in the gym or prepping/eating food.. safe to say I really can't wait to get myself back training 100%.

This blog I will use to post workouts/as well as my daily thoughts on injuries as well as life.